Arete Project

Alaska, often referred to as “The Last Frontier,” is a land of breathtaking natural beauty, rugged wilderness, and extreme weather conditions. Travelers who venture to this northernmost state in the United States are in for an unforgettable experience, but they must also be prepared for the unique challenges that come with it. One of the most critical aspects of planning a trip to Alaska is packing the right gear, especially when visiting during the colder months. In this article, we’ll explore the top below-zero items you should bring on your trip to Alaska to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure.

Insulated Waterproof Boots

Alaska’s weather can be harsh and unpredictable, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Investing in a pair of high-quality insulated waterproof boots is essential. These boots will keep your feet warm and dry while exploring the icy terrain, whether you’re hiking, dog sledding, or simply walking through snowy streets.

Thermal Layers

Layering is key when dressing for cold weather, and Alaska is no exception. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your body, add an insulating layer for warmth, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer shell. This combination will help regulate your body temperature and protect you from the elements.

Heavy-Duty Parka or Winter Jacket

A heavy-duty parka or winter jacket is a must when traveling to Alaska, especially during the winter months. Look for one that is insulated, waterproof, and equipped with a hood. Make sure it’s long enough to cover your hips and has adjustable cuffs to seal out the cold.

Warm Accessories

Accessorize for warmth with items like a good quality hat, gloves or mittens, and a neck gaiter or scarf. These small but crucial items will help you retain heat and stay comfortable during your outdoor adventures.

High-Quality Thermal Socks

Cold feet can quickly ruin your Alaskan adventure, so invest in high-quality thermal socks to keep your toes toasty. Merino wool or synthetic blends are excellent choices for moisture-wicking and insulation.

Hand and Foot Warmers

For added warmth during extremely cold days or nights, pack hand and foot warmers. These disposable heat packs can be a lifesaver when the temperatures plummet.

Snow Goggles or Sunglasses

Protect your eyes from the glare of the snow and ice with a good pair of snow goggles or sunglasses. They also shield your eyes from the cold wind and help prevent frostbite on your face.

A Reliable Winter Hat

A warm and windproof winter hat is essential to prevent heat loss through your head. Look for one that covers your ears to provide extra protection in frigid conditions.

Portable Stove and Insulated Flask

When venturing into Alaska’s wilderness, a portable stove and an insulated flask are indispensable. They allow you to prepare hot meals and beverages, providing much-needed warmth and sustenance during your outdoor excursions.

Adequate Medications and First Aid Kit

Ensure you pack any necessary medications and a well-stocked first aid kit. Alaska’s remote areas may not have immediate access to medical facilities, so it’s crucial to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

Snowshoes or Crampons

If you plan on hiking or exploring off the beaten path, consider bringing snowshoes or crampons. These traction devices will help you navigate icy terrain safely.

A Reliable GPS Device

Alaska’s vast wilderness can be disorienting, especially in snowy conditions. A reliable GPS device or a smartphone with offline maps and a power bank can be a lifesaver to help you navigate and stay on track.

Emergency Survival Kit

Alaska’s remote locations may pose challenges in terms of communication and assistance. Pack an emergency survival kit that includes essentials like a whistle, signal mirror, fire-starting tools, and emergency blankets.

Bear Spray and Bear-Resistant Containers

If you plan to explore bear country, having bear spray and bear-resistant containers for food storage is crucial for your safety and the preservation of local wildlife.

Travel Insurance

Last but certainly not least, purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and any other unexpected incidents. It’s a safety net that provides peace of mind during your Alaskan journey.


A trip to Alaska is a thrilling adventure filled with natural wonders and untamed beauty. However, to fully enjoy this breathtaking destination, it’s essential to be well-prepared for the challenging below-zero temperatures and rugged terrain. Packing the right gear, from insulated waterproof boots to emergency survival equipment, will ensure that you have a safe and unforgettable experience in this remote and awe-inspiring part of the world. So, gear up, stay warm, and get ready to embrace the frozen wonderland that is Alaska!